meet our team

We are a team of industry experts and seasoned planners and are committed to making sure your experience with us is more than amazing. We love what we do and can’t wait to share this journey with you!

favorite trend...

favorite trend...
Cash cakes
Anything unique and colorful!
FAVORITE place to shop...
FAVORITE place to shop...
All the antique stores
Thrift/antique stores in the West Bottoms
currently watching...
currently watching...
American Nightmare and Sex and the City
Community and The Office
favorite food...
favorite food...
Menudo, tacos and pizza!

dream event to plan...
dream event to plan...
A Woodstock style festival with a 90's grundge flare
I'd love an unlimited budget food-tour style wedding for myself!
Client Concierge
& Planner
Venue Manager

favorite trend...

favorite trend...
Anything vintage!
Multicolor and vibrant decor
FAVORITE place to shop...
FAVORITE place to shop...
Thrift and antique stores
The Mayfair Group
currently watching...
currently watching...
Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Diaries, the list goes on!
New Girl
favorite food...
favorite food...
Fried Chicken with lots of breading

Fried Chicken with lots of breading
dream event to plan...
dream event to plan...
An art exhibit or gallery night
An art exhibit or gallery night
Client Concierge
& Event Manager